Our Small Groups
Many Bible passages speak of the need and expectation for all believers to grow in their faith (Psalm 92:12; Ephesians 4:15; 1 Peter 2:2; 2 Peter 3:18). This means that God does not look favorably on churches in which Christians do not grow. God did not save us to simply leave us just as we are. He saved us in order to make us like our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Sovereign Way is committed to God’s desire that every Christian grow. This most fundamentally happens by two means within the church: Word of God and Discipleship. 1 Peter 2:2 tells the believer to long for the Word so that he or she “may grow up into salvation.” Christians who do not read their Bible daily will not grow. Christians who do not sit under faithful preaching will not grow either. With this in mind, Sovereign Way offers biblically sound sermons every week, as well as the entire archive of all of our sermons online. Since faith comes by hearing, we provide a lot biblical preaching that people can listen to. This will naturally grow them up in Christ and form their minds to be biblical. We also encourage people to join a small group Bible Study. This is even more exposure to the Bible, but only now it is in the context of a small group so that each believer gets sharpened by other believers. Discipleship is the result. Discipleship is when believers help each other grow in both faith and deed through an intentional relationship for this purpose. We also encourage every church member to get involved in a ministry or multiple ministries. These are also great opportunities for discipleship as we all serve the Lord together. So if you are interested in growing in the Lord, Sovereign Way is the church for you.