
David Belvin

Time: Varies

Location: Varies

Contact Information: eloieloi13a27@gmail.com

While worship is the church’s primary purpose, evangelism should be its primary activity. All throughout the Bible, the preaching of the gospel to the lost is emphasized. Paul’s ministry in Asia (Modern Turkey) exemplified the evangelistic purpose of the church. He preached the gospel to the lost, planted a church, trained up all the believers to share the gospel, and they did. Acts 19:10 tells us of their faithfulness. It says, “This went on for two years, so that all the residents of Asia, both Jews and Greeks, heard the word of the Lord.” Sovereign Way seeks to emulate this biblical pattern. First, we preach expositionally so that people learn the depths of God’s word. Each sermon contains the gospel. Second, we offer evangelism training, teaching our people how to share the gospel with the lost. Finally, we provide regular evangelism outings where we go out as groups to share the gospel in our community.